How much time will the Vendor Value Workshop take?

The “together time” for attendees in the VVW totals eight hours (four, two-hour sessions on December 15-18). We’ll also be asking you to think about the challenges ahead of time and discuss them with your team, so we’ll share five provocations in the week leading up to the event. We’ll also be continuing our conversations after the event in the private VVW community.

Must my company bring three attendees?

No, but it would be amazing if you did. We’ll have better ideas when we can bring multiple perspectives to the challenges (sales leaders, marketing leaders, and thought leaders).

How does the “blank invoice” work?

Once the conference is done — but before the year’s out — each participating company will receive an invoice with the ability to “fill in the blank” on the amount owed and pay what they think is fair.

But really, how much does VVW cost?

The entire purpose of the Vendor Value Workshop is to rethink what “value” means for vendors in events and to explore new and better ways for conferences to deliver it. The blank invoice is part of that process. You can pay as little — or as much — as you like. If you need a “price” for approval,

My company runs a conference of our own. Can we come?

These days, lots of companies have their own user conferences. So long as your primary focus is on selling products or services for profit to customers, you qualify. If you’re an organization (nonprofit or otherwise) centered around delivering education to members through conferences or events, you’ll likely need to wait until we host a Workshop specifically for you.

We don’t sell to legal, but this sounds intriguing. Can we attend?

We’re only inviting companies in the legal space for this first go-round of the VVW. However, if you’re certain you can provide value, shoot us a note and we’ll see if you’re a fit. Otherwise, we expect to host more VVWs for other industry verticals in 2021.

What will be the results of the Workshop, and will they be shared?

We’re not quite sure yet. Because this is a collaborative workshop, the “results” will depend upon — and be shaped by — the conversations the attendees have with one another. That said, we do expect to release at least a handful of recommendations to conference organizers and share as many of the cool formats and models we develop so everyone profits from the great ideas that are generated by the attendees we convene.